Monday 11 November 2013

The United Conundrum

Obviously United's season hasn't been as great as it should have been so far, but a win over Arsenal on Sunday provided some relief to a shaky start going into the international break. Rooney and van Persie look like they're starting to hit the form that won them the title last year, and talented players such as Adnan Januzaj are being given game time. But why was United's start to the season so poor?

For me, it is because of the transition from Sir Alex Ferguson to David Moyes, and as always with a new manager at a new club, especially when the previous manager has been there for 26 years, it will take time to implement their ideologies on the team. Moyes, for me, still doesn't know his first choice XI. The acquisition of Fellaini didn't really help him with that; bringing in a player that he knows well to a squad with talent in abundance, and the fact that he brings a different style of play and approach to United's game. Moyes seems to have deployed Fellaini in a much more defensive position in contrast to where he played under him at Everton, almost being a second striker.I feel that Moyes when he first came to the club was rubbing his hands with glee with the players at his disposal, before realising that a) he actually has to manage them - there are more likely to be players with egos at a bigger club like Manchester United, purely because they're at a big club and b) he has to select an XI - this will only lead to disappointment and unhappiness from the players that are deemed not good enough to start a game for Manchester United by their own manager, something which Moyes has already received criticism for (think Kagawa, Hernandez) and tried to rectify, without sufficient success.

They are currently fifth in the league. Five points off leaders Arsenal, something which, at this stage of the season, isn't too bad for United. Obviously they would have hoped for better, but David Moyes was a notoriously slow starter during his years at Everton. They have managed to string together an unbeaten run of 8 games in all competitions, even if they didn't quite get the performances to match. It's what won them the title last year, being able to get a result without playing at 100%. It's slowly but surely coming together for United, fans just have to be patient.

What would really get fans on side would be a big arrival in January. This may have implications with trying to fit them into the eleven, and then the knock-on effect of unhappy players because they aren't getting game time, but if Moyes is really feeling the pressure of the Old Trafford hot seat, then a big name, big game player arriving in January can only aid him, surely? Just don't buy a tall man with an afro for £27.5 million on the final day David, yeah?

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